2007年4月8日 星期日

"The missing piece"Reflection

This story makes me think about parents and their children. When we were young, parents always stood by our side. They took good care of us and they kept their children. As we grow up, we could no longer relay on our parents. We should have our own thought, sometimes to decide something by ourselves. When we were children, we always wait for parents to solve our problem. But if we always relay on them, we will learn nothing. Just like the missing piece. It sat at the same place and wait for someone who could fit. It waits nothing, but at last it tried to roll by itself. Finally it could roll by itself and, need not to wait for others. I think this story is telling about, children should not wait for parents helps you, but to help yourselves. Not always relay on parents but to learn how to do it by our own.

2007年4月1日 星期日

Summary of"A difference of once"

The story is about a boy whose name is Joe. He is a school boy also a basketball player. One day he lost the game and only lost one point. He was angry about that, so he went to sleep and didn’t prepare for the exam of tomorrow. And he failed. He needed to got 35 but he only got 34. So he asked the teacher to gave him 35. But the teacher said “you only lost one point, why didn’t you ask the referee to give you another game.” Then he realized what the teacher mean. It is not only one point but also means a lot.

After reading this story, I really feel the teacher is right. It is not only one point, it means a lot. Nowadays people do things like that. They don’t take things seriously. After they failed then they learned. We should do all prepare for the things we do. Then we won’t take fail as Joe.